Mapboxgl Python Library for location data visualizaiton


These examples require the installation of the following python modules

pip install mapboxgl
pip install pandas
pip install pysal
In [9]:
import pysal.esda.mapclassify as mapclassify
import pandas as pd
import os
from mapboxgl.utils import *
from mapboxgl.viz import *
In [10]:
df = pd.read_csv('points.csv').round(3)
Avg Total Payments Avg Covered Charges Total Discharges Avg Medicare Payments admin1_id Provider Id admin2_id lon lat date
0 8749.025 35247.028 58.750 7678.214 USA101 10001 USA201069 -85.363 31.216 1/1/14 12:00 AM
1 6812.131 16451.092 28.959 5793.631 USA101 10005 USA201119 -88.143 32.453 1/2/14 12:00 AM
2 8197.238 36942.357 45.360 7145.960 USA101 10006 USA201077 -87.683 34.794 1/3/14 12:00 AM
3 4860.829 12079.537 27.409 4047.025 USA101 10007 USA201039 -86.255 31.292 1/4/14 12:00 AM
4 5898.137 16148.752 17.889 4963.548 USA101 10008 USA201041 -86.265 31.694 1/5/14 12:00 AM

Set your Mapbox access token.

Set a MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable or copy/paste your token from

In [11]:
# Must be a public token, starting with `pk`
token = os.getenv('MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN')

Create a visualization from a Pandas dataframe

In [12]:
# Create a geojson file export from the current dataframe
df_to_geojson(df, filename='points1.geojson',
              properties=['Avg Medicare Payments', 'Avg Covered Charges', 'date'], 
                     lat='lat', lon='lon', precision=3)
{'feature_count': 3173, 'filename': 'points1.geojson', 'type': 'file'}
In [13]:
# Generate data breaks and color stops from colorBrewer
color_breaks = mapclassify.Natural_Breaks(df['Avg Medicare Payments'], k=8, initial=0).bins
color_stops = create_color_stops(color_breaks, colors='YlGnBu')

# Create the viz from the dataframe
viz = CircleViz('points1.geojson',
                color_property = "Avg Medicare Payments",
                color_stops = color_stops,
                center = (-95, 40),
                zoom = 3,
                below_layer = 'waterway-label')

Add labels to the viz

In [14]:
viz.label_property = "Avg Medicare Payments"

Change viz data property and color scale

In [15]:
# Generate a new data domain breaks and a new color palette from colorBrewer2
color_breaks = mapclassify.Natural_Breaks(df['Avg Covered Charges'], k=8, initial=0).bins
color_stops = create_color_stops(color_breaks, colors='YlOrRd')

# Show the viz
viz.color_property='Avg Covered Charges'

Change the viz map style

In [16]:

Create a graduated cricle viz based on two data properties

In [17]:
# Generate data breaks and color stops from colorBrewer
color_breaks = mapclassify.Natural_Breaks(df['Avg Covered Charges'], k=8, initial=0).bins
color_stops = create_color_stops(color_breaks, colors='Spectral')

# Generate radius breaks from data domain and circle-radius range
radius_breaks = mapclassify.Natural_Breaks(df["Avg Medicare Payments"], k=8, initial=0).bins
radius_stops = create_radius_stops(radius_breaks, 1, 10)

# Create the viz
viz2 = GraduatedCircleViz('points1.geojson', 
                          color_property = "Avg Covered Charges",
                          color_stops = color_stops,
                          radius_property = "Avg Medicare Payments",
                          radius_stops = radius_stops,
                          center = (-95, 40),
                          zoom = 3,
                          below_layer = 'waterway-label')

Create a heatmap viz

In [18]:
#Create a heatmap 
heatmap_color_stops = create_color_stops([0.01,0.25,0.5,0.75,1], colors='RdPu')
heatmap_radius_stops = [[0,1], [15, 40]] #increase radius with zoom

color_breaks = mapclassify.Natural_Breaks(df['Avg Medicare Payments'], k=8, initial=0).bins
color_stops = create_color_stops(color_breaks, colors='Spectral')

heatmap_weight_stops = create_weight_stops(color_breaks)

#Create a heatmap 
viz3 = HeatmapViz('points1.geojson', 
                  weight_property = "Avg Medicare Payments",
                  weight_stops = heatmap_weight_stops,
                  color_stops = heatmap_color_stops,
                  radius_stops = heatmap_radius_stops,
                  opacity = 0.9,
                  center = (-95, 40),
                  zoom = 3,

Create a clustered circle map

In [19]:
#Create a clustered circle map
color_stops = create_color_stops([1,10,50,100], colors='BrBG')

viz4 = ClusteredCircleViz('points1.geojson', 
                  color_stops = color_stops,
                  radius_stops = [[1,5], [10, 10], [50, 15], [100, 20]],
                  cluster_maxzoom = 10,
                  cluster_radius = 30,
                  opacity = 0.9,
                  center = (-95, 40),
                  zoom = 3

Save our viz to an HTML file for distribution


Viz export contains a reference to the data in this visualization. Serve data from the same directory as the HTML file to vis your visualization.

In [20]:
with open('viz4.html', 'w') as f:

Run exported HTML example

Python2: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

Python3: python3 -m http.server 8080

Now navigate your browser to http://localhost:8080/viz4.html to see the viz